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in CHF 1 000 1) 2022 2021 Difference Difference in %
Order intake 1) 194 146 204 612 -10 466 -5.1%
Net sales 181 435 171 488 9 947 5.8%
Order backlog 68 393 59 266 9 127 15.4%
EBITDA 2) 20 115 24 625 -4 510 -18.3%
in % of net sales 11.1% 14.4%
EBIT 2) 16 441 20 581 -4 140 -20.1%
in % of net sales 9.1% 12.0%
EBIT adjusted 2) 11 631 10 131 1 500 14.8%
in % of net sales 6.4% 5.9%
Net result 14 444 20 329 -5 885 -28.9%
in % of net sales 8.0% 11.9%
Cash flow from operating activities 5 164 30 285 -25 121 -82.9%
Cash flow from investing activities -9 002 474 -9 476 n/a
Free cash flow 2) -3 838 30 759 -34 597 n/a
31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Net cash 17 630 26 631 -9 001 -33.8%
Total equity 108 359 98 768 9 591 9.7%
in % of total balance sheet 65.9% 68.2%
Total balance sheet 164 355 144 914 19 441 13.4%
Employees (full-time equivalents) 3) 681 640 41 6.4%

1) Unless otherwise stated
2) Non-GAAP financial measure
3) Without apprentices